
By jason
Some days, you're hit with an unexpected task; this was the case today, when one of our servers was under attack. We provide web hosting and a variety of websites on a leased, dedicated server. Specifically with those websites, we have various user accounts that have access to these sites. Each time a user account is created and access is provided, it opens the door to an attacker. Good security practices are critica... Read Full Post

Thoughts On Entrepreneurship

By jason
Just completed a survey from an entrepreneurial organization, asking about how much I'd pay for office space and access to business advisors and resources. (Thanks @entrep_thinking) At first, I moved through it quickly, answering the "Do you have an idea?", "...A business plan?", "Would you use...office space, copier, internet, consultants [marketing, technical,etc]." Then I got to, "How much would you pay?" I though... Read Full Post

E-commerce Challenges

By jason
Some e-commerce challenges are more involved than others and anyone can plug some products into a pre-built shopping cart; however, tailoring a cart to your needs is a much more involved proposition. Shipping, product attributes, configuration rules, constraints, inventory..the list goes on and on. While working on solving an intricate ordering challenge for a specific industry, we've come across an excellent write-u... Read Full Post

Redirecting Requests From A Sub-Folder To The Root Of The Site

By jason
This is a handy statement for redirecting all requests from a sub-folder to the root of the site. Let's say, hypothetically speaking, that you have originally built a drupal site in a subdirectory "/drupal". Then, let's say that some users used the ckFinder image uploader to upload files. Perhaps your designer used some references in the css (and or theme) to /drupal/image. Well, to save yourself from headaches, and... Read Full Post

Sharing Content Through Facebook

By jason
Sharing Facebook content seems easy, and for the most part it is. If you're developing a web asset that is going to be shared on Facebook, you want to take advantage of the open graph, and insert Facebook open graph meta tags onto your page; this way, you can specify the proper title, thumbnail, url, description, etc: http://davidwalsh.name/facebook-meta-tags - which is used when sharing url via Facebook. When you're... Read Full Post

Coding Is Evolving, Folks.

By jason
I've never coded on punchcards, nor relied on books for helping me code on projects; however, I would like to take a moment and appreciate those circumstances where many programmers have probably found themselves (perhaps, regretfully so). I usually manage projects, clients, and focus my time and energy on business development tasks. It was not that long ago that I actually had to code..like, every day. It was a grea... Read Full Post

Adding a Facebook app to a business page as a tab

By jason
I always have to look this up, so here it is. visit http://developers.facebook.com create a new app to add it to a business page, find the app id and visit: http://www.facebook.com/add.php?api_key=__APP_ID__&pages Easy, right? ... Read Full Post

Dealing with an attack - hackers & bots vs. business & web infrastructure

By jason
Some days, you're hit with an expected task. This was the case today, when one of our servers was under attack. We provide web hosting, and a variety of websites on a leased, dedicated server. With those websites, we have various user accounts that have access to those sites. Each time a user account is created, and access is provided - it opens the door to an attacker. Good security practices are critical. Limit acc... Read Full Post

same same but different - better together

By jason
I had the good fortune of meeting with two of the best and brightest in Boise today. During the meeting, a quote was thrown out by Tara Russell of Create Common Good - "same same but different". Like a lot of what was said, I was compelled to write it down and digest it. Entrepreneurship is about making an impact - some entrepreneurs make a killing financially, others socially (think Ben Quintana & BYP - Boise Yo... Read Full Post