Strategies for Engaging an Audience via Email

By eric on 08/26/2016

Creating interesting and engaging emails is an artform, but it takes a good deal of practice and discipline to do it. Here we’ll assume that you already have a decent amount of people subscribed to your email list. Now that you’re able to get in contact with your audience, it’s time to turn them into paying customers.  

An attention-grabbing title

It all begins with a suitable title. The title of your email will make an immediate impression on the customer, so make it count. They will decide from your title alone if your email is worth their time or not. Titles like “Up to 70% off this week only!” are sure to draw them in. Curiosity will get the best of them and they’ll have to see what’s on sale that week. Make a title that gives just enough incentive to make the recipient want to open the email, but doesn’t give away every detail about what it’s about.  

Give them what they want

The best way to get responses from email marketing is use the data that you have. You can see where specific customers frequent on your website and make a marketing email tailored just for them. One way to do this is to make a basic outline for an email highlighting the weekly deals you have going on. If a large amount of your customers are looking at one specific section of your website, say, women’s fashion, you might try making a website tailored for those specific customers.  

Brevity of the message

The length of the email is a huge deciding factor for a customer. A menacing block of text will discourage people from reading it and they’ll simply trash the email altogether. Keep your messages short and to the point so you can keep their attention and drive your sales. The average email should take someone less than 3 minutes to get the whole message. Pictures speak much louder than words in the world of emails. Showing the customer what they could be buying rather than simply describing it to them is much more effective. When combined with the previous tip, you can create emails that show them products they would most likely be interested in and increase the likelihood of them making a purchase.  


The final part of a successful email is the call-to-action. This is where the recipient is prompted to act on what they have just read about. The most common way to do this is by giving a link to your website. The previously mentioned email for weekly deals is a great example of this. You can put a “see full list of deals on our website” link near the bottom of the email prompting the customer to visit your website. Now that you know the basics, it’s time to make the best emails possible. You’ll be bringing in droves of customers with enough practice. You have everything you need, so start taking your email list to its full potential today!

Audience Engagement